


A brief overview of how notifications work in Smartlinks
Note: This guide refers to both emails and in-app notifications

Wondering how Smartlinks chooses who to notify when there's a link request or a guest post request? Let's dive in for a quick, clear breakdown!

Link Request Notifications

  1. Check Collaborators:
    • Navigate to your page and peek just below the title to see if any collaborators are listed.
    • image
  2. No Collaborators?
    • If your Website Member access is set to Public to Organization: All organization members get notified.
    • If your Website Member access is set to Join on Request/Private: Only members who are invited will get the alert.
  3. With Collaborators:
    • Notifications are exclusively sent to listed collaborators.
When a chat button is clicked on a Link Request card and a chat is triggered, it follows the same flow as defined above.

Guest Post Notifications

  • If your Website Member access is set to Public to Org, all organization members would be notified.
  • If your Website Member access is set to Join on request or Private then only the members explicitly invited to the website would be notified
When a chat button is clicked on a Guest Post card and a chat is triggered, it follows the same flow as defined above.

Chat Notifications

Lets understand how chat notifications work:

1. Chat related to Link Requests

  • It follows the same rules as defined here.

2. Chat related to Guest Posts

  • It follows the same rules as defined here.

3. Direct Chat between one or more users

  • If you are added as a collaborator to a chat channel and a chat is triggered.
  • The system would wait for 3 hours before determining that you haven’t seen the chat. If that’s the case that it would immediately send across an email.
  • The system also sends across weekly notification for un-read chats.

4. Public channel chats

  • Public channel chats are treated differently compared to direct chats.
  • In this case unless you are directly tagged by a user in a chat, you won’t receive unread chat email.

Smile, you’re now a whiz at Smartlinks notifications!

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